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How To Heal External Hemorrhoids - Techniques To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally


The laser lights utilized by proficient doctors in Laser Surgery produce pinpoint accuracy. Using laser light in this process vaporizes the  unwanted hemorrhoid immediately. Exactness and accuracy are attained with extremely minute laser beam. The laser is inherently remedial and seals off tiny blood vessels with an invisible light. The process seals surface nerve endings impeding postoperative discomfort. An environment that is controlled and bloodless is achieved once the  tiny blood vessels are sealed and doctors can operate unimpeded (click here). The result is less need for medication and a quick recovery time. Laser Surgeries are less demanding for both patient and doctor and could be finished quickly. Other procedures may be used with Laser Surgery or it could be used unaided. A group of 750 patients were reported to have successful results of 98% after completing laser surgery.

 Exercise cold therapy to immediately ease inflammation and get rid of hemorrhoids

Cold treatments minimize inflamed blood vessels quickly and effectively. One of the  best features of cold treatments is that they are cheap and easy to use.  They provide instant relief by diminishing swelling of  affected area and thus allowing blood to flow freely. Another bonus of cold therapy is that it numbs affected areas and subdues pain.  Use icepacks to deliver cold treatment to the  pile tissue. If you don't want to purchase icepacks just place ice in a bag or thin towel. Never subject the  anus to ice directly as tissue damage can occur (click here to get rid of piles fast).  Wrap  icepack or bag in a thin towel and apply to  swollen tissue.  Keep the  cold treatment on  hemorrhoids for at least twenty minutes to dull the  pain in  affected area. Do this once a day as an easy and all-natural remedy to hemorrhoid pain.

Avoid exerting too much energy while passing stools to help reduce the  risk of pile formation.  Get off of  toilet immediately after finishing your bowel movement. Resist long periods of sitting for too long because it can compress  veins in  anus. Avoid heavy-lifting as the  excessive tension on your body will lead to lower extremity strain.  With lower extremity strain you can push piles out of the  rectum and into the  open. Overeating is hard on  digestive system so try eat small meals frequently instead of giant meals.  Don’t eat meals right before bedtime as it is harder to digest food when your body is resting. Resist eating excessive amounts of dairy products since they can cause constipation and cramping.   Resist processed foods that are stripped of their fiber content and have  ability to bind us up. Try to limit intake of iron supplements or medications with codeine or oxycodone because they can lead to constipation.

A surgeon named Dr. Antonio Longo developed stapled hemorrhoidopexy in 1993 and since then it has been a commonly used procedure in Europe. This procedure avoids wounding the  delicate perianal area thus reducing postoperative pain considerably. The first step of this method is to eliminate swollen pileal tissue. Using a circular stapler  prolapsed tissue is removed from  anal canal while the  remaining tissue is stapled. This procedure repositions the  remaining hemorrhoidal tissue back to its original structural position. The inpatient process could be performed with regional anesthesia and patients can be discharged either  same day or the  day following surgery. After operation  level of pain is not very high so most patients can return to work and normal life after just a few days (how to heal external hemorrhoids).  After surgery the  first bowel motion is usually on day two and staples may be passed however this is normal and should not be a cause for concern. An impediment that can occur after operation is the  retention of urine. Anti-inflammatory medication and suppositories could be prescribed if the  internal sphincter muscle becomes inflamed due to staples being placed too low.